• The greatest gift

    • June 5, 2023
    • Posted By : anudip_2018
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    Under the merciless gaze of the scorching summer sun, the fields stretched out like a barren canvas, devoid of life and hope. “Lush green fields were never a reality for the farmers of Chittoor, as none of our families could afford irrigating using modern means,” 22-year-old Kulla Mounika recalls. “The air, thick with suffocating heat,” clung to her father’s weary body, as he trudged through the cracked earth, a desperate symphony of dryness echoing beneath his feet. 

    Each day, the Sun, a relentless tyrant, “seemed to unleash its fury with greater intensity,” as Mounika went to help her father in the fields. “We had very little of everything and my father still rationed water,” she says, “he drank some, and gave the rest of the water to the crops.” The crops, once promising a harvest of abundance, now stood as feeble sentinels, their leaves curling in on themselves, thirsting for water that had become “a rare and precious commodity.” 

    With no fixed monthly income, their days were an intricate tapestry of perseverance and resilience. Unable to experience a free flow of fortune, they learned to embrace scarcity. “Money was hard to come by – and when it did, it was never much,” Mounika remembers. Amidst the hardships, Mounika, nurtured by the land’s unpredictable embrace, discovered the irreplaceable value of hard work and adaptability. “Children at my village learned to work from a very young age and it gave it a sense of purpose.”

    In the shadows of a world that deemed her dreams “inconsequential,” Mounika embarked on an extraordinary journey. She defied the shackles of social and financial constraints, forging a path to school, and completing college education against all odds. But she was stopped at a crucial juncture, “failing to land a job after completing my graduation.” Knocking at the doors of corporates “did not help,” as the skills she adorned came up short.

    The echoing footsteps of emptiness reverberated through the chambers of her existence, when she came across Anudip ’s offerings of employability skills training.” She chose to dedicate her hours to “learning Workplace IT, Soft Skills, Logical Reasoning and other subjects.”  Mounika soon reaped the rewards as she was offered a position at Capgemini, guided by the unwavering support of Anudip’s Corporate Placement task force.

    “Earning INR 22,916 monthly, working as an Analyst at Capgemini,” has been the “greatest gift bestowed upon me,” Mounika marks. “In the fields, I learned the value of hard work; now, in the corporate realm, I’ll channel that same work ethic to make a lasting impact,” she concludes.

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