• A Brief Guide to the Future of Computer Programming

    • June 30, 2022
    • Posted By : anudip_2018
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    • digital education digital employment digital literacy skills digital livelihood digital skills training programs Digital technologies Digital transformation DigitalIndia

    If there’s anything that’s progressing without a pause, it would be the advancement of technology, especially the digital kind. And programmers are the people who implement the technology to be used by a large section of the users, be it in the form of applications, websites, the Internet of Things, or others. In reality, they create almost everything in the digital world. Besides writing codes and developing applications, they automate the tedious and repetitive tasks that are time-consuming and often prone to errors. Physical machines indeed play a big part in our daily lives. However, what good is technology if there aren’t the right codes to run and manage it.

    In contemporary times, digital transformation is happening at a rapid pace, and a major share of the credit should go to the programmers. Hence, it’s safe to say that the future of computer programming appears solid. Read on to know more about what the future of computer programming may look like in contrast to the current scenario.

    What’s the future of programming?

    When observing the present programming scenario, one could observe a common pattern. It’s that business enterprises do not necessarily care much about the use of the best programming language. Instead, they care more about the efficiency and speed at which any software application or system is developed and deployed. Whether the code is of 1000 lines or 10 lines, it hardly matters to them. What they want is something easy to create and customisable. Moreover, they want something that is efficient and requires fewer resources to develop, upgrade, and maintain.

    In other words, the future of programming will be more about making things with fewer codes or even without codes in the future. Nonetheless, making applications with less or no codes is not something new. In fact, many programmers develop applications for enterprises without having significant coding or programming experience.

    Hence, it could be said that the future of computer programming may turn out to be more competitive than expected.

    Future of programmers

    It can be stated that not every programmer is good at programming. Most of them learn and develop expertise at work. At the same time, there are a number of institutes that offer skill development training in programming languages. For instance, Anudip, a non-profit organization established in 2007 has been providing training to aspirational prople from the marginalized sections of our society. Institutes like Anudip catering to a large number of people who want to become programmers.

    Further, we’re already living in times where the programming projects are less compared to the availability of programmers. In such a scenario, there are two ways to keep up with the demand for programmers:


    Learning new programming languages

    The future of programmers will be very competitive. Also, people who are experts in the cutting-edge programming languages like Python will be preferred. Hence, you need to learn and become experts in the programming languages that will influence the development of technology in the future.

    Now that brings us to the most important question –

    What are the programming languages that will dominate the future?

    Here are the top programming languages that are more than likely to impact future technologies.

    # Python

    Python is one of the most versatile programming languages that helps build anything from websites to applications. The biggest advantage of this language is the huge support that it receives from the Python developers’ community.

    One can utilise libraries like Flask and Django for help with web development requirements. Simultaneously, it’s possible to utilise similar kinds of libraries like Keras, TensorFlow, and Scripy to help you with projects that involve data science application development.

    Furthermore, the simplicity of this programming language makes it interesting to learn. Besides, it can be a great start to upskill oneself as a programmer.

    # R

    For beginners, R is a complex programming language based on a range of multi-paradigm programming languages. A good thing about R is that it offers an environment for graphics at the same time.

    Like Python, it offers a set of libraries to help your process. Especially ggplot, tydyr, and others support creating great applications in a very short time. Given below are the top beneficial aspects of R as a programming language.

    • It has a huge capacity to run statistics
    • It’s scalable
    • Allows smooth running of data visualizations

    # Java

    Java has remained the fundamental programming language for developing everything from websites, web applications, games as well as application side servers. One could say that it’s a lot like the unheard father of all programming languages.

    Similar to other programming languages, the Java community is a great help when it comes to developing multifaceted applications in a short time. Several programmers utilise libraries including Java ML, Weka, Jsat, and Adams for designing applications for machine learning.

    # Scala

    Scala is the perfect combination of object-oriented programming and functional programming in a single programming language. It is a JVM language that enables programmers to develop highly scalable systems that have the power to conduct intricate tasks seamlessly.

    Several reputed names like LinkedIn and AT&T utilise Scala for developing intricate machine learning applications, web applications, and for almost everything.

    # C#

    An object-oriented and open-source programming language, C# runs on the .NET framework. It’s one of the essential tools used by programmers globally for developing games and web applications. It’s mainly used for developing desktop and web applications for phones that utilise Windows OS.

    # Kotlin

    Kotlin works on the Java virtual machine. It’s a widely popular programming language among Android developers due to its interoperation facilities with Java.  It’s a fantastic programming language that is easy to learn and executed with any Java IDE.


    It goes without saying that programmers are creative and their talent is based on analytical thinking. However, there are thousands of programmers like you trying to make this a successful career. To stand out in the crowd, you need to focus on your programming skills which will pay off. Since high-technology careers have tough competition, it’s essential to be the best in a programming language you like the most. Here are some of the jobs that may suit you if you’re an expert in programming languages.

    1. Technical recruiter
    2. Quality assurance engineer
    3. Developer Marketing
    4. Sales engineer
    5. Test engineer
    6. Business Analyst
    7. Scrum Master
    8. Designer
    9. DevOps Engineer
    10. Technical support
    11. Data scientist
    12. Security Analyst

    Also, hundreds of uninvented and unexplored careers may open up in the upcoming days. So, stay focussed and hungry so that you can grab the best jobs in the years ahead.

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