• May 5, 2020
    • Posted By : anudip_2018
    • 0 Comment

    The whole World is under LOCKDOWN. Silence all around.

    Our civilization is trying hard to get rid of this crisis, not only the virus is the element here but also we have to be focused heavily on the economic prospective. Always bear in mind, Situations only reveals us, we cannot choose our outside situation, but we can always choose how we respond to them.

    This time we have to obey some small things.

    Don’t suffer imagined troubles, accept our reality, remember whose opinion matters,be steady in your life, find the positivity in everyday life, enjoy the work pressure, love your fate and reflect often.

    Because it’s the perfect time to show once CREATIVITY.Don’t miss this chance/ opportunity that you got once-in-a-lifetime.

    We may think that this time is the worst time in our history, and can even argue that this is the worst time to achieve anything. Don’t always expect good cards in your hand to win, sometimes you may get bad cards in your handtoo, with that try to achieve, because fear and anxiety is never cause of our result.

    This moment is not our life, it’s just a moment in your life. We may have a reason to stop but there are many reasons why we should not stop.To me the courage is to cultivate the dull gray cloud that comes down to our lives – for which a distinction between the value of life and the worth of transitory things arises, So that a human being can understand no situation can make him/her unstable.

    I am confident that during this time we have been greatly influenced by the activities of our leaders and colleagues in each of our departments.

    Everyday mail conversations, different type of trainings, podcasts, social media engagement and so on making us more creative in the present situation, turning us into a positive person. By using technology we are very close to each other and Surely, I might say that we are conquering this difficult situation day by day. Although, we are not enjoying the time, but this time we are having enough courage, which is very important.

    My derivation to implementation of productive life:-

    1. We are constantly in liaison with our superiors, the way to achieve goals. I note down the obstacles we may face before and after the current situation, and then trying to figure out specific ideas to overcome them. I believe the word ‘SUCCESS’ which can be achieved by 100 means.

    2. Everyday our students are being trained online or virtually as per the guidance of the seniors. As a result, our students are becoming proficient enough about virtual training.

    3. We conducted a survey, from which we came to know how much our students and their families are aware of COVID-19.  Our work had a positive impact on our students and their families.  They are communicating with us for any help.  We are giving them guidance on the right place to get the services they need right now.

    4. We also have a lot of students who were relocated to another city for their job and they could not return home for their importance of work (Due to lack of Internet facility and work ambience). We can help them so that they can take care of themselves and they can do office work with concentration from present residence.

    5. Meeting with regular team members on how to bring more innovation into work and make it more effective.

    6. Finally I will say that this is the best time for self-learning and show gratitude to others. Some of our team members are currently working on apps, graphical designing, webpage development, etc. Some of us are also contributing to help the high need community people. Some are writing blogs, poems and quotes from which many followers get inspiration.

    Since 7 years, I am associated with this organization. I have seen many transformations. Perfection is nothing, but progress is everything, which is a special feature of our family.  We can proudly say that we are part of a team where we are all right or wrong and complete or incomplete but everyone is kind and generous to each to each other.  We treat each other as a friend, there are opinions for everyone to consider, and especially we can say in one word that we are “fortunate”. It’s really a Solitude place where all are Genius. The Mantra is to discover innovative works and to implement it with hard work.

    Very important message

    To protect yourself:

    • keep 1m distance from others
    • wash/rub your ?
    • avoid touching your ???

    This information is given by WHO. Be healthy, be careful, be positive.

    Debayan Ghosh

    Blogger: DEBAYAN GHOSH, CLUSTER HEAD, Anudip SAVE Program

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